So someone ran into my bike in a parking lot and left a nasty dent on my brand new can- needless to say I was ******. Anyway, shortly after deciding to just deal with it instead of buying a new one I realized if the dent didn't cover too much of it I could probably just chop it. I checked, and sure enough I could salvage about 12" of it.

The can with damage marked at 12" with tape

I decided to remove the Yoshi logo because if I left it the way it was the brace would have gone right over the middle of it and I thought it would've looked sloppy.

The sleeve cut around the circumference with an angle grinder and slid off the core

The easiest way to get the last 6" off was to just cut a slot along the length of it because of the damage

Removed Dent

Removed packing from the good part

Removed End Cap

Sleeve with some visible distortion- I had to put some work into getting this back to a true shape so I could fit the base cap back on. I then drilled out the new holes for the rivets.

I cut the packing to the size of the remaining pipe, wrapped it around the core, and slid the reshaped sleeve over it- This is the easiest way to put it back together without letting the packing material bunch.

I added some RTV silicone and replaced the end cap and started to re-rivet.

Riveting it

Now what to do with the emblem?

My Solution:

Completed Pipe

On the bike

The brace isn't on in these pics but there is about an inch gap between it and the Yoshi Logo.

Overall, I'm very happy with the job and I actually think it would've been a worthwhile project even if the can wasn't damaged.

Here's the sound clip: