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Thread: Envy rides

  1. #21

    Re: Envy rides

    Quote Originally Posted by theshnizzle View Post
    Welcome to the world of Envy Rides!! The only way they will stay in bizness is if people continue to go to them. look at SON. I seem to recall one of the owners posting on this board something along the lines that they were aware of all the issues concerning their shop and customer service and they were taking steps to rectify this.

    It always makes for interesting thread reading though, i know that I have had my own issues with them.

    I was at work today and guess who pop's up in my call display ENVY RIDES, so I think to myself they are probably trying to offer me the 3 year warranty on tires again. NOPE, today it is Rui the service manager on the other end of the phone line to my surprise. Rui begins the conversation with an apology for the cluster FV(K of the installation of my alarm; apparently it was James' fault, who no longer works there and that he was new to the service manager position at the time. Anyways after 3 minutes of discussion he offers me $70 store credit.

    I was pretty happy, not for the $70 gift card but that somehow my grumbling from this thread made its way to Envy and someone actually listened, got off their butt and tried to alleviate the situation. So if anyone wants a $70 gift card from Envy for $50 PM me, because I still plan to do my business somewhere else.
    Last edited by REDBALLS; 04-02-2010 at 12:56 PM.

  2. #22

    Re: Envy rides

    Quote Originally Posted by REDBALLS View Post
    No, I did not get the estimate in writing.

    In one respect that was a mistake, but still you had a verbal contract with the guy thats good enough. It's not your fault that you dealt with a fill in manager who is no longer there.

    Believe it or not there are still a few good bike shops in the GTA where a spoken quote is just as good as a written one.

    The gift card offering is weak, Envy could have done alot better for themselves and maybe still had a slim chance of retaining you as a customer by offering you free storage for next year instead.

    Anyways the old saying goes, you live and learn, chalk this one up as exp.

  3. #23
    Pocket's Avatar
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    Re: Envy rides

    Wtf James Deneef is gone that sucks donkey balls he was a good guy don't give a **** what you say.

  4. #24

    Re: Envy rides

    Quote Originally Posted by Pocket View Post
    Wtf James Deneef is gone that sucks donkey balls he was a good guy don't give a **** what you say.

    I have nothing to say about or against James because I have never dealt with nor do I know him. I asked earlier who was James because this was the first time I've heard that name in my dealings with Envy. I also mentioned him because it seemed like management was using him as a scapegoat.

  5. #25
    slowbird's Avatar
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    Re: Envy rides

    So far the only place I've gone to for Bike stuff that I heard from this board is Platinum-Powersports and Royal Distributing.

    All others have fudged me one way or another
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  6. #26

    Re: Envy rides

    Quote Originally Posted by REDBALLS View Post
    I was at work today and guess who pop's up in my call display ENVY RIDES, so I think to myself they are probably trying to offer me the 3 year warranty on tires again. NOPE, today it is Rui the service manager on the other end of the phone line to my surprise. Rui begins the conversation with an apology for the cluster FV(K of the installation of my alarm; apparently it was James' fault, who no longer works there (WHO THE HELL IS JAMES?) and that he was new to the service manager position at the time. Anyways after 3 minutes of discussion he offers me $70 store credit.

    I was pretty happy, not for the $70 gift card but that somehow my grumbling from this thread made its way to Envy and someone actually listened, got off their butt and tried to alleviate the situation. So if anyone wants a $70 gift card from Envy for $50 PM me, because I still plan to do my business somewhere else.
    Glad to see you got some satisfaction at getting them to admit they were wrong. $70? seems like they owed you more considering what they had quoted you. What they quote is what you're suppose to pay. Not your fault for their screw up.

    Might want to reduce the price on that credit... last time I spent $50 at envy it broke in less than two months... never again

  7. #27
    moto22's Avatar
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    Re: Envy rides

    There not the only rip off shop in Mississauga but one of the worse offenders .Envy Rides has nothing to be envy-able about and should be closed for good and the building demolished and replaced with a respectable business ...

  8. #28
    crankcall's Avatar
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    Re: Envy rides

    I still have some places I can go and leave a vehicle and get service at a price that has no surprises, and quotes are upheld without question. BUT there are less all the time.
    With the never ending nonsense at Envy, turnover and complaints I cant imagine not having a paper trail on anything I would have them do. And i cant fathom them not trying to keep this crap off the interweb by fixing ligitimate mistakes.

  9. #29

    Re: Envy rides

    I was appeased with the $70 gift card when I believed Envy charged me for $233, until I received my credit card statement this month and there was a charge of $300 by envy rides on January 21, 2010. I contacted Envy on February 18, 2010 and Rui The Service Manager seemed offended that I questioned the charge, although he couldn’t explain how he came up with the charge of $300 dollars. Rui denied quoting me 1/2 an hour of labour, said that all envy rides conversations are recorded, but couldn't tell me what he allegedly originally quoted the job for. I thought to myself if they were recorded why wouldn’t this guy go back to our telephone conversation to prove I am being unreasonable.

    The Service Manager explained to me that I have one of two choices, either take my $70 gift card or I had drive to Mississauga (60 km commute) and they would credit me $80 back to my credit card. After getting no progress with The Service Manager, I hung up and contacted management in the store and spoke to Danny. Danny was willing to listen to my side of the story without prejudice. The Service Manager contacted me again this time you could hear the frustration in his voice and offered me the same offer. I refused and contacted Danny again and asked about the owner of Envy rides Steve Sayeau. Danny contacted Rui and they agreed to 2 hours of labour at $89 ($178 + Taxes = $201).

    When I got off the phone I thought to myself shouldn't it be 2 hours of labour at $89- 20% ($201-20%=$161); I called back, and they said it would be too hard for them to change it on their computer and that they where doing me a favour for only charging me 2 hours.

    I call shenanigans!
    Last edited by REDBALLS; 02-18-2010 at 05:06 PM.

  10. #30

    Re: Envy rides

    Quote Originally Posted by REDBALLS View Post
    I was appeased with the $70 gift card when I believed Envy charged me for $233, until I received my credit card statement this month and there was a charge of $300 by envy rides on January 21, 2010. I contacted Envy on February 18, 2010 and Rui The Service Manager seemed offended that I questioned the charge, although he couldn’t explain how he came up with the charge of $300 dollars. Rui denied quoting me 1/2 an hour of labour, said that all envy rides conversations are recorded, but couldn't tell me what he allegedly originally quoted the job for. I thought to myself if they were recorded why wouldn’t this guy go back to our telephone conversation to prove I am being unreasonable.

    The Service Manager explained to me that I have one of two choices, either take my $70 gift card or I had drive to Mississauga (60 km commute) and they would credit me $80 back to my credit card. After getting no progress with The Service Manager, I hung up and contacted management in the store and spoke to Danny. Danny was willing to listen to my side of the story without prejudice. The Service Manager contacted me again this time you could hear the frustration in his voice and offered me the same offer. I refused and contacted Danny again and asked about the owner of Envy rides Steve Sayeau. Danny contacted Rui and they agreed to 2 hours of labour at $89 ($178 + Taxes = $201).

    When I got off the phone I thought to myself shouldn't it be 2 hours of labour at $89- 20% ($201-20%=$161); I called back, and they said it would be too hard for them to change it on their computer and that they where doing me a favour for only charging me 2 hours.

    I call shenanigans!
    If you got this on paper why not call credit card company and have them do a charge back for the appropriate amount. But I agree, this is too much BS.

    Fight for every cent. Now it's a matter of principle

  11. #31
    polo's Avatar
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    Re: Envy rides

    Pocket is right, James is the only reason i went to do service at envy. he helped me a lot so many times, so if envy threw him under the bus, that's pretty dirty. he's a pretty cool guy.

    i saw him at the moto show and he told me he had quit. i was pretty sad to hear that.

    As for the rest of envy, most were helpful. The accessory guys helped me a lot too so props to them. I have no idea who rui is, but he doesn't sound very pleasant.

    As for where I'm going to do service, well, I have the service manual for my bike so I absolutely plan to do as much as I can myself. for more complex things, Riders choice is literally around the corner from my place so I'm going to give them a shot and see how it goes. so far they've been good cuz i lost a stupid nut from the battery and they gave me a new set for free, so that was nice. and storage, well i have a garage, so no biggie there.

    Sorry to hear your experience, Red. The only other place I would recommend is Kahuna, and the main reason is cuz the owner, Joe, keeps everyone in flying order and he listens to his customers. I haven't service there yet cuz it's very far for me, but who knows.

    "Women don't rust, but bikes aren't freaking insane."

  12. #32
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    Re: Envy rides

    Quote Originally Posted by REDBALLS View Post
    I was appeased with the $70 gift card when I believed Envy charged me for $233, until I received my credit card statement this month and there was a charge of $300 by envy rides on January 21, 2010. I contacted Envy on February 18, 2010 and Rui The Service Manager seemed offended that I questioned the charge, although he couldn’t explain how he came up with the charge of $300 dollars. Rui denied quoting me 1/2 an hour of labour, said that all envy rides conversations are recorded, but couldn't tell me what he allegedly originally quoted the job for. I thought to myself if they were recorded why wouldn’t this guy go back to our telephone conversation to prove I am being unreasonable.

    The Service Manager explained to me that I have one of two choices, either take my $70 gift card or I had drive to Mississauga (60 km commute) and they would credit me $80 back to my credit card. After getting no progress with The Service Manager, I hung up and contacted management in the store and spoke to Danny. Danny was willing to listen to my side of the story without prejudice. The Service Manager contacted me again this time you could hear the frustration in his voice and offered me the same offer. I refused and contacted Danny again and asked about the owner of Envy rides Steve Sayeau. Danny contacted Rui and they agreed to 2 hours of labour at $89 ($178 + Taxes = $201).

    When I got off the phone I thought to myself shouldn't it be 2 hours of labour at $89- 20% ($201-20%=$161); I called back, and they said it would be too hard for them to change it on their computer and that they where doing me a favour for only charging me 2 hours.

    I call shenanigans!
    BAhAHAHAH thats probably the best line of the story right there lol!
    They screw you and keep your money cause it too hard to change a number in a computer lol

  13. #33

    Join Date
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    Re: Envy rides

    I dealt with Envy Rides many times. Bought a 2008 GSX 650 F for my son from them. Dealt with both James and Rui on different occations. Both guy's were very helpfull.

    I never had any problems with there sales or OEM ordered parts.
    They called me when the parts came in and and everything ordered was right on.

    I always check the price of there parts against ordering on line (USA) and they aways gave me a discount that makes it worth while buying from them.
    Last edited by Brit Biker; 02-19-2010 at 04:06 PM.

  14. #34
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    Re: Envy rides

    Quote Originally Posted by Brit Biker View Post
    I dealt with Envy Rides many times. Bought a 2008 GSX 650 F for my son from them. Dealt with both James and Rui on different occations. Both guy's were very helpfull.

    I never had any problems with there sales or OEM ordered parts.
    They called me when the parts came in and and everything ordered was right on.

    I always check the price of there parts against ordering on line (USA) and they aways gave me a discount that makes it worth while buying from them.
    Looks like you're in the minority judging from all these reviews.

    Its pretty dumb for a business to screw people over in this age. Yes they screwed one guy, but guess what, so far people 1,789 viewed this thread. thats a lot of lost customers for a couple hundred bucks. hope it was worth it envy

  15. #35
    butters's Avatar
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    Re: Envy rides

    Quote Originally Posted by KRFDPSSTI View Post
    Looks like you're in the minority judging from all these reviews.

    Its pretty dumb for a business to screw people over in this age. Yes they screwed one guy, but guess what, so far people 1,789 viewed this thread. thats a lot of lost customers for a couple hundred bucks. hope it was worth it envy
    I would bet that 1789 views probably equates to a couple of hundred unique viewers. Everytime this thread has a new post(s) I've looked in, so with 33 posts that is about 15 - 20 minimum for me alone. How many for you? I know that in some cases even one can be too much so I'm not justifying anything at all, I'm just saying.
    + Being in the minority on gtam does not always equate to the non forum public which outnumbers us on here by a huge margin.
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  16. #36
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    Re: Envy rides

    just from reading many threads and postings on GTAM,

    talking about great service and not having problems..

    Ted, at rosey Toes. ( never been there ) and Petes superbikes ( or something like that, for tires)

    and on the crappy side of things, Stay away from Suzuki of newmarket, and envy rides.

    to the OP. did you not wonder why some of the envy rides threads were closed ? tons of people have been screwed over by these fools.

    Yetti went there once to get some gloves, and it was a friggin fiasco.
    ( unfortuately, Yetti bought the gloves before he was a member of GTAM )

  17. #37
    greg88's Avatar
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    Re: Envy rides

    I have purchased 2 bikes from Envy rides, a lot of gear and parts. Never had an issue yet.

    Perhaps I am just lucky - but then again I have not won the lottery yet so I guess it more than luck - I have only had positive experiences with Envy. I hope they continue to meet my expectations.


    Milton Ontario

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  18. #38

    Re: Envy rides

    Rui's just jerking you around.... Envy doesn't record any phone calls.

    and with their Lightspeed system, it isn't hard at all to change the price.
    The funk. The jive. The boogie. The rock and roll.

  19. #39
    theshnizzle's Avatar
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    Re: Envy rides

    I know this is a silly and naive question, but WHY,WHY,WHY do they do bizness this way? Doesn't it take way more energy to fight and bicker and screw with customers than just giving fair and good customer service to begin with?

    I just don't get it.....so disappointing and frustrating for everyone involved...

  20. #40
    You Know's Avatar
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    Re: Envy rides

    Ever hear dealerships referred to as "stealerships"? Pay for parts you order only when they come in.(many dealerships will do this). Get yourself a manual and do whatever you can at home on your own, if your not sure ask a friend for help or ask on gtam.

    If you do have to use a dealer for service, get sh*t in writing, or choose one shop and develop friendships, 12bux in coffee and donuts go along way in making "friends". Many of these dealers are over staffed which can lead to poor communication among staff and with customers. Be sure to check reviews before you deal with anyone in the future, sorry you had a poor experience, learn from it and make sure you never get burned again!
    It is what it is...

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