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Thread: Laying on the beach

  1. #41

    Re: Laying on the beach

    Quote Originally Posted by johnp View Post
    (i.e. safer, cheaper, more convenient, more fun) by heavy dose of recreational drugs. Only thing is you can't brag about doing drugs. People kinda back away rather than going ooh and aah. For the record I don't even drink but drugs still make more sense to me than rafting up the Amazon.

    Another example is penthouse apartments. Why would anyone want to live at the top of a building when it takes you 10 mins to get to the street and in case of fire, the ladders won't reach. The view? Exactly how much time do you spend looking out the window? The view is only for wowing the visitors.

    hahahaha, that's hilarious, man... I'm gonna sell my board, my bikes and all my other toys and just stock up on drugs... like, "Fear and Loathing in Toronto" style...

  2. #42
    CruisnGrrl's Avatar
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    Re: Laying on the beach

    Quote Originally Posted by Red_Liner740 View Post
    somehow its hard for me to believe that pool water is cleaner than the ocean. I love the ocean, swimming in it does wonders for my complexion, healing etc etc. i had road rash that went away much faster once i started to swim in the ocean....

    keep your pools where ocean is not available.
    I said afraid of fish, not cleaner.... though swimming in chlorine is not exactly dirty...

  3. #43

    Re: Laying on the beach

    Man, if we put up a sight called "things black people like" we would get flamed pretty badly... But hey, almost everyone likes fried chicken and watermelon in the summer right? I feel I'm allowed to say this since it's not any more racist than that site.

    Funny that people are actually attacking what other people enjoy doing in their lives that doesn't directly effect them. If you want to live in a penthouse, go ahead and I'll just laugh to myself that you would spend the money on it... And I won't be insulted when you laugh at the fact that I spend the same amount every year to go play in the dirt on a motorcycle.

    Go ahead, lay on the beach and waste your time and money, just don't expect me to have fun doing the same.

    As far as swimming in a pool vs the ocean... I thought for sure germaphobes would prefer the ocean over a pool infested with people and urine.

  4. #44
    HyRyze's Avatar
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    Sep 2007

    Re: Laying on the beach

    I can't really stand just lying at the beach or pool... I gotta do something; play volleyball, football, snorkling, jetskis, whatever.

    In the last 5 years, I've gone to Cuba 3 times (latest was summer of 08 with a group of 10 friends or so). And the latest trip was the most fun... but... we stayed for 2 weeks and it really got boring after about the 10th day.

    Yea the beaches are nicer than what we got here, but it's not enough for me just to lie there. Pools are the same. The last trip I went to, the best parts were when we went on this "jeep safari" excursion... we drove around in these little jeeps off road, splashin mud everywhere.. FUN! Part of the trip was going snorkling, swimming in a cave with water colder than Grand Bend on the hottest of days, horseback riding, everything. Another day we visited Havana and spent the entire day out of the hotel. This is what I consider a great trip.

    The rest of the trip included drinking some weak beer by the pool, lying at the pool/beach, reading a book, and just waiting for lunch and dinner. Going to a club outside the resort is fun, but it can get old cause we can do the whole clubbing thing here. Basically, everyone that goes to Cuba is usually thinking how it'll be great and we'll party every day/night... but frankly, I don't feel like getting shitfaced every night. I can do that here on a weekend.

    Oh, and when you're going with a bunch of friends, even if you all mostly get along... there are always the girls that have some issues with each other that started brewing years ago... and honestly, after a while everyone just gets sick of each other. We had a few arguements during our trip and it just got really ****in annoying. This is why I'm not in any real hurry to go on another "epic" trip to Cuba. It's overrated. Each time that I've been there, I've seen a lot of couples, older married people, children... when really I was expecting 20-something year olds that want to party. Sometimes you'll get a good group, but really, Cuba's a vacation spot for the family. I gotta try Jamaica or Dominican.

    Oh and I really gotta stop trying to go during the hot hot hot summer months. It's sometimes unbearable. Playing volleyball at 2 in the afternoon, I'm sweating more than a whore in church. Go to the water to try and cool off, but the ocean's at a nice toasty 27*C. Jesus... plus, there's no need to waste our summer and riding time to go to an even hotter place. I'd rather be there during winter. Like now. Damn.


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