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I hate mindless lane changes...
nice to see you wearing all your safety gear;)
Looks to me like there was plenty of room... Am i missing something here?
Why doesn't anyone seem to have any idea how to aim a camera?
Didnt seem like a bad cut off? :(
If that's "cut off" than I'm doing it wrong.
Wow, high beam AND flipping the bird? Bad Azz
Talk about sensationalism. The vid says the minivan driver was drunk and cut off a bike.
All they did wrong was no signaling?!
He even maintained a higher speed after changing lanes.
And you flip him off? Dude...
that was just a car moving into your lane w/ no signal...
a biker hassling a cager, way to give us a bad name...i guess in Windsor, "cutting-off" is a whole other meaning...who uses signals anymore used to be in toronto we treat cars like pylons, now they just move, makes it more interesting...
Where is the cut off?
The rider is wearing safety gear, he's probably rocking an Icon vest.
My first thought when I see someone weaving across lanes in front of me is to pull up alongside them for a few seconds too. And like yours, my middle finger is also an impenetrable forcefield.
I want my 28 seconds back...
Someone boo this man.
A) not even close to being cutoff
B) There is no B, it wasn't close at all.
If you have time to lift your hand in discuss and not even hit the didn't get cut off.
Oh wow, however did you survive such crazy driving? You were easy on the driver by giving him the middle finger, next time you should contact the cops and hope the video gets this driver an HTA 172 charge.
I'm agreeing with almost everyone else here. That was as dangerous as watching paint dry. If what happened in that video was too risky for you, you should sell your bike and never (and I mean never) think about riding again.