Friend of mine is using a Shark S500 helmet and likes the fit but it has a scratched visor. If anyone's got a visor for an S500 or any series of the RSF's please let me know.
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Friend of mine is using a Shark S500 helmet and likes the fit but it has a scratched visor. If anyone's got a visor for an S500 or any series of the RSF's please let me know.
Tri City Cycle in Cambridge had spares, but that is far from you.
UM, are you looking for a FREE visor for your friend?
I have a visor for S800, it might fit your helmet.
Well the one that's on it is pretty scratched so if we could find one that is barely scratched or new at a decent price it would be worth it. No point in spending $70+ on a new visor for the cheap helmet though.
Serialize - where abouts are you located. Did some quick digging and only found the two helmets shared the same visor but the S800 may fit.
I've got a shark visor, it's covered in blood but isn't scratched and in generally good condition. I'd assume it'd wash right up just fine. It's a blue chrome one. Let me know if you don't get your hands on one, I paid $110 for it.
-Jamie M.
I have a dark smoke one for a RSF2i/RSF3. I dunno if it will fit. PM me if you're interested.
if this visor fits you can have it. chrome reflective one but some of the chrome is flaking
no scratches
where I work we have a bunch of shark visors, not sure what model. I work at Suzuki in Newmarket now
Hi everyone, the visor is for me. I'm his "friend" (common law) that is looking to replace my visor. I am new to this site so any assistance is greatly welcomed :).