Scarborough to Ottawa, early morning, all day Labour Day
I'm planning an all day ride to Ottawa for this Labour Day pending good weather. It would start early morning in or around Scarborough.
I want to pack in as many twisties as we possibly can (the 500 series, not too many freeways except when heading back at own pace). Route and other details to be finalized (this post will be updated).
May need to designate rider roles (sweep, etc.) depending on turnout. Could provide the route at the pre-ride meet.
Let me know if you're interested by posting and we can start organizing this near the end of summer (:() ride.
Where: Kennedy Commons Tim's
When: check radar and sky; if good then we meet at 7.30am and depart by 8am; duration 8 hrs approx (one way), highway back at own pace 4 hrs approx
Pace: easy/slow, no rush/not a race (see "The Pace Principles"); we will reasonably follow the speed limit or traffic flow, stop signs and lights, the Highway Traffic Act
Prerequisites: The thread "HOW TO RIDE IN A GROUP", M2 or M (will not be enforced by me, but bear in mind this ride involves freeways), full tank, empty bladder
Re: Scarborough to Ottawa, early morning, all day Labour Day
My reply to this post:
I am thinking of leaving Scarborough sometime between 8-10am.
It takes at least 4-5 hours to get to Ottawa and including twisties will probably be a couple hours more. So that would be 4.5+6.5 hours lets say...
That brings us to about 8pm? No guarantees though! Just come if you want to enjoy a long, all day ride :)
Re: Scarborough to Ottawa, early morning, all day Labour Day
Sounds like a good ride, always wanted to do a longer ride but not sure if ready for 12 hours of riding yet. Plus my bike will be ready for first milestone maintenance during/straight after this ride.
Re: Scarborough to Ottawa, early morning, all day Labour Day
I did Ottawa and back in less than 10 hours, mostly moving at a good pace all the time.
Didn't stop in Ottawa to eat saved some time.
here are some pics...
Re: Scarborough to Ottawa, early morning, all day Labour Day
You should AIM to be on the road moving at atlest 8am. Traffic slows you down and will wear you down.
if you leave at 8am, you could prob be in ottawa for lunch for 2pm. head back at home for 7-8pm
Re: Scarborough to Ottawa, early morning, all day Labour Day
check out "the Works" in Ottawa. Simply AWESOME gourmet burgers. But factor in a 1 hour food coma afterwards.
just a suggestions:,1.766052&z=9
Re: Scarborough to Ottawa, early morning, all day Labour Day
I've been thinking about doing this tour, but I don't know if I should take 2 days or 1 will be enough.
Re: Scarborough to Ottawa, early morning, all day Labour Day
Good to know, thanks all for the input! Hopefully I have some time to finalize the details tonight.
Re: Scarborough to Ottawa, early morning, all day Labour Day
Alright, no idea how the weather is gonna be. It says clear last night, it rains. It says rain today, it's sunny right now lol..
So, let's try this? It's gonna be like my random riding at night, except it's all day long.
I have a few routes in mind, but the more twisties, the longer we ride :)
Re: Scarborough to Ottawa, early morning, all day Labour Day
Note, I will have limited ability to reply to any inquiries until late tomorrow night.
But be assured as long as the weather is good, I will ride.
If you want, you can pm me your cell and I will check and reply Monday morning before the ride.
Re: Scarborough to Ottawa, early morning, all day Labour Day
Looks like no ride today :(
If it gets better I might ride somewhere not as far later.