good luck with the project. The ironic thing is that the last time I saw that bike, it had a gsxr front end and a gsxr rear wheel conversion already done.
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nice. Did you get the proper steering stem bearing when you got the bike to bolt the front end on? Don't forget to take into consideration that your steering stops will not work with that setup.
Lloyd said he wanted to hang onto his set, so I ordered them from TWF. hmm..I've heard about the steering stop issue. I will probably fab something up with the old frame sliders.
I found this on TWF as well.
The steering stops on the gsxr triple needed no mods?
Hey all, please post questions/comments/concerns in here to keep the build thread organized.
Thanks. :)
Build Thread:
No they don't have to be modded.
why have 2 threads about the same build? Seems more confusing then having questions/comments posted on your build thread.
I just don't want my updates to be separated by a bunch of other posts. like having each of them separated 2 pgs apart. and i figured this is a better way to do it because i'm getting a bunch of questions. might as well share the info with everyone.
sometimes the other posts are valuable and relevant to the build that might be found useful by others that are undertaking similar projects.
I'm following your build and have refrained from making positive or encouraging comments, because you posted (in your original post) that you did not want them, but if I have a recommendation for you or have some insight (like the steering stops), I won't be looking for another thread to post them on. You could in fact be limiting the flow of information for yourself and future readers by the approach you have taken.
Thanks for the feedback. appreciate it. I definitely see what you are saying.
hmm..I just wanna figure out a way so it is easy for someone to follow the build. so they won't have to scroll through all the reply and stuff if they want to read to the updates.
ill figure something out. maybe a link to the next update at the bottom of the previous update...or something.
Can you just append a date and new info/pics in post #1, so all the info ends up in the very first post? Or is there a character limit for a post?
I believe there is a character limit. I've had the software crash on me when changing stuff in the big posts.
anyways. I figured out a way to do it. I'm just gonna have a link to the next update on the previous update. so if anyone wants to skip the discussion, they can just click on that link.
build thread is open for discussion :) thanks for the feedback everyone.