Anything going on Tonight - Sept 17?

Anything going on Tonight - Sept 17?

  1. sinic
    I haven't been out for on my bike for about 10 days and I am dying to get out there ... anything going on tonight?
  2. Cat13
    Sorry but cannot tonight. Have to do some more packing. But let me know about next week if you are going for a ride.
  3. ScreamingPipes
    It's been quiet this week in the group.

    Where are you going, Cat? If you don't mind me asking.
  4. Cat13
    Just moving closer to my work and closer to the 401 404 area.
  5. ScreamingPipes
    Cool, I hope your new place is bike friendly.
  6. Cat13
    Moving with a couple coworkers so looking for a full house to ourselves. I'm sure it will be fine
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