So whos hitting the roads already?

So whos hitting the roads already?

  1. Cat13
    Anyone? I'm hoping to ride tomorrow!!!
  2. ScreamingPipes
    Hey Cat, long time! I was just out for a 30min ride. It felt good but it was kinda chilly. Probably because I only had a t-shirt on under my jacket. Tomorrow and Friday should be perfect for riding!
  3. Cat13
    Yikes only a tshirt I am fully rocking my heated vest haha.
  4. Smokeleez
    Was out last week for a couple of days - stored the truck and brought out the bikes and 81 Camaro. I picked up an old GS550EF to play with along with my M50...hopefully I'll get it back from the shop soon.

    This week.....stuck taking the TTC!
  5. Cat13
    Yeah I'm debating riding tomorrow. If its raining no but if not then yep fully rocking the two wheels. Itching for it to be warm!!!! Teaching my first class with Learning Curves in a couple weeks so fingers crossed it warms up!
  6. Smokeleez
    This weekend starting Friday is looking good!
  7. Smokeleez
    Damn....its snowing downtown?!?! WTF! Glad I hit the roads earlier today and yesterday! Guess will have to wait till later in the week to hit the 2 wheels again.
  8. Cat13
    HAHA talk about snow. Had to do my second apprenticeship weekend out in it.
  9. Torren
    I did my M2 exit Monday during a snow storm. That was fun
  10. Cat13
    I drove Peter around as he marked some M2 exits. I kept asking, at what point do we get them to stop.... his reply, when it sticks.

    I felt sooo bad for the guys out there.
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