Algonquin, 507 - Oct. ???

Algonquin, 507 - Oct. ???

  1. ScreamingPipes
    Is anyone interested in doing this long ride before winter comes? It's much longer than the run Sinic and I did last weekend with a run through Algonquin and the 507 on the way back. I have not set a date yet since I'm sure most will be busy on Thanksgiving weekend. Come on guys, one more!,4.916382&z=8
  2. sinic
    Don't threaten me with a good time ... depending on the date, I am in.
  3. Cat13
    When are we thinking of doing this? I have this weekend and then I have to park my baby away. Get her ready for winter They need to invent a way to ride all year even in the snow!
  4. ScreamingPipes
    It's not snowing yet Cat. :P
  5. ScreamingPipes
    Alright guys, how's Sunday morning 10:30am sound?
  6. Cat13
    Sounds good! Will be cold but then I'll survive :P
    As for the snow.... females, remember are always cold in the winter.... so snow or no snow its getting to that time of year where permafreeze kicks in my blood stream.
  7. ScreamingPipes
    Yay, Cat is down! Are you in Sinic?
    Yes, it'll be be a cold one for sure. I just checked the weather for Sunday in Algonquin. High of 12c and low of 7c. Please make sure to wear the proper gear. Long underwear or leggings are required for this ride. lol. Packing some rain gear for extra warmth will help. Sinic has tolerance for the cold but please dude, dress for this ride. I'm going to cheat and use my heated gear. :P:
  8. sinic
    I'll have to get back to you on whether or not I can amke it. My wife is out of town on business and I am not sure she will be back by Sunday ...

    Heated gear? Why not just bring your car
  9. Cat13
    Hey don't mock heated gear... I've thought of it :P
    But yep you can bet I'll be wearing multiple layers of clothing lol. A stop or two at a timmies wouldnt hurt also lol.
  10. ScreamingPipes
    Since I lack any natural insulation, heated gear is the **** lol. I was actually sweating on my way to work today in 4 degree weather. It's worth the money if you really want to keep riding for as long as possible. My feet got a bit chilly though.

    Don't worry Cat, I've planned for MANY Timmies stops along the way. Probably stopping every 1-2 hours.

    Just to confirm, we'll be meeting at the usually No Frills parking lot on Markham Rd. & Steeles Ave. Sunday morning at 10:30am.
  11. Cat13
    Ok well as long as it is not raining I will see you guys there
  12. Cat13
    Hey guys I am going to have to pass . Turns out I have to run into work tomorrow..... new guy they hired to help me didn't make the cut... lol Anyways have a safe ride an awesome time!!!
  13. ScreamingPipes
    Oh man what a ride. I ended up doing the whole route solo. Needless to say I am completely exhausted. The fall colours were amazing in Algonquin. Lot's of people around taking pictures. It was probably best you didn't come Cat, it was one wet ride. I was actually caught in a bunch of downpours. It probably rained 65% of the time. I'm glad my gear kept me warm and somewhat dry.
  14. ScreamingPipes
    Oh yeah, I saw a deer A female deer!
  15. Cat13
    I am glad to hear you had a great ride. I wish it were sunny and warm out again. Would have been great to go with you. How long did it take?
  16. Acuratech
    It will be warm again, I expect we will be having an Indian summer, right after Thanks Giving.
    It better be nice as I have to ride my bike out to my new place in North Whitby at the end of November.
  17. ScreamingPipes
    I left No Frills around 11am and got home around 8:45pm. I almost spent the whole day riding just shy of 10 hrs stopping only for gas, smoke breaks and roadside emergencies. lol. I had so much fun that I forgot to eat! Also I wanted to do most of the riding in daylight since the sun sets now at 6:45pm. I feel like doing another ride!
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