Woot Woot

Woot Woot

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  1. Paul
    Can I join??
  2. karigotu
    uhhhhhhhhhhh... NO WAY!!!!

    We would have to slap you with an infraction Paul lol
  3. karigotu
    ok So I will be @ Royal tonight @6ish was planning on that as a meet then go for a ride from there.
  4. needabike
    I made it
  5. needabike
    Yeah Ill be there around that time as well but I wont be going for the ride
  6. masalma
    so since I created this group can i give out infractions? lol
  7. karigotu
    Yes......start with Paul, then move to Jay.

    Hey Nas Miss you bud, can't wait till your back it's not the same without you...ok enough mushy stuff
  8. masalma
    3 more weeks and i am back in KW, been a long ****ing summer. I assume we can say **** on here.

    There is a sale pending on the bike right now, so I might not be riding when i come back, unless it falls through, or someone lets me ride on the back of their bike lol
  9. zooropa_chris
    As I understand it we can say **** on here, we can call Jay a ********, we don't have to use the acronym LMAO we can spell it right out if we want.... LAUGH MY *** OFF!!!

    Ok here goes:
    Jay, your a ******** because Kari said so.
    Kari, you have earned your infraction. Be proud of it.
    Sandra, well, Paul's already had to deal with you.
    Nas, why did you go and move so ****ing far away......*******.
    Chris "Geller", I am going to see if I can get you a 187 tee shirt.
    Annu, I think you ride a lot, you just don't come out with us much. What, are you too good for us?
    Lorrie-Ann, so how is the "I'm a girl rider" pose coming?
    At least we have Ric to keep us in line.

    You people suck. Except for Ric.

    Hey, I like this Social Group idea. Thanks Paul (jerk).
  10. geller
    Hey! I take offence to that 187 crack Chris . I am not one of them. I think Nas should give you an infraction for that
  11. masalma
    I can't give infractions, i tried lol, I can ban people from the social group though lol I am going to go on a power trip now, Paulie Jr lol

    just kidding paul, calm down
  12. adawar
    I canceled my insurance and have some track body work on the way. No more street riding for me. Look me up when you wanna hit the track and be safe out there
  13. shicksr6
    Any reason for stopping street riding? I'll be looking to start track riding next spring going to take one or two of the track courses if anybody is interested in joining.
  14. needabike
    I thought you guys were serious about that 187 tshirt ****. I was going to leave this group
  15. masalma
    Annu, sad to see you go buddy, I am in the same boat, I posted the bike up for sale last week, and someone is really interested just gathering the funds, so I might be bikeless for a little while.

    Shicksr6, while it is fun to ride street because you actually get to go out and see friends and go places, but the track is pure joy. Both of them at the same time can get pretty expensive. So normally gotta pick one, unless you are filthy rich lol.

  16. adawar
    simple answer: the track is safer.
  17. Desi758
    Annu.... sorry to see you have picked track.i did enjoy riding with you. i am taking my days at the end of aug. I still have a cruiser in my garage if you want to ride it. lol.
    And chris i cant find my cfmb's yet so the poser thing is on hold for now.
  18. Teek
    Woo! This is an awesome idea.
    Plus, it's good to see Kari again. I thought she disappeared.
  19. BlueDraGon
    Gellar was all about the 187's at Caladon! He said he wanted to shine his bike up all pretty like their's!!!

    And ya, Paul dealt with me. Gave me a 10 day infraction. It actually allowed to me get out on my bike rather than be on this stupid computer all goddamn day.

    Annu...have you changed your mind yet?! Don't take it off the road!!! Grrrrr
  20. Barky
    im pleased that Chris had nothing mean to say about me
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