Conversation Between noelocol and Mogeez

Conversation Between noelocol and Mogeez

1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey there,

    I've seen plenty of your posts on all your cafe racer projects and it seems like you really know your stuff and build some beautiful bikes.

    I am tossing the idea around of building my first bike and Ive been looking on the net at all the xs 650 chopper/bobber homebuilds.

    I'm wondering if you know anything about building them. Local shops or good welders that could handle the hardtailing of a frame and adding some rake.

    Also, are there certain years of the 650 I should be looking at over others to make the project easier?

    Would love some feedback if youve got a few minutes. I have no experience building bikes but think its a project id like to try. I ride an 07 GSXR6 but have always loved the oldschool retro's.


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