Conversation Between funrider and Kris111

Conversation Between funrider and Kris111

3 Visitor Messages

  1. hi Erik, not sure email of mine arrived, sent to office address. if not then hello frm Toronto. struggle with both jetlag and email, lol hope to meet you soon. back to bed now
  2. Yes, googled Tartu College, good location. Similar price in Dovercourt $29, own room and bath though Finished study right now, weekend starts with tons of ice cream and BBQ..hmmm see ya....
  3. Hi Erik,

    Have found accomodation in Dovercourt rd. DT. Nothing fancy, but better location than Mississauga, near to subway station, internet cafe, shopping centre. Wish you great sunny weekend. Warm greets
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3