Conversation Between Toxic and Jonnie

Conversation Between Toxic and Jonnie

7 Visitor Messages

  1. heyy bro you up for a ride today?
  2. Hey Toxic! Unfortunately, my team is already full. But see if you can get in the league as a Free Agent or something!
  3. hey Jonnie, when you have a free spot on your team, count me in

    I tried to get a team together before the deadline but friends just got job offers and they had to cancel

    Anyways when are you guys gonna meet up again? Im craving for a smoothy
  4. I'd invite you to our team Toxic, but unfortunately we're full right now.
  5. Oo I play on Fridays nd Sundays in Toronto. Didn't know that you could sign up for a rec team in Mississauga. Might join a team for the July sign up
  6. I'm just in the MRSC co-ed rec league. Nothing crazy or competitive. lol
  7. what soccer team do you play on?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7