Conversation Between Turbo gpz and cutsheal5

Conversation Between Turbo gpz and cutsheal5

4 Visitor Messages

  1. okay thanks man!
  2. Let me know if you want a hand with the tether
  3. hey yeah i know you got the swaps im the guy who bought the muffer strap kit and tire off you im planning on grabbing one of your motors just want to make sure i get all my christmas stuff settled in first. then i will be shooting you a text
  4. Saw your post about king of the street class, if your interested in a 954 motor swap I have 2 of them. As for the tether, either you can order one or make one used a fuse loop from Canadian tire and a tether cord from a dollar store. It'll cost less than $10 and take about half an hour.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4