Conversation Between toysareforboys and Kris111

Conversation Between toysareforboys and Kris111

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi, just googled Whitby because I am curious female, learn all life long.
    Have found alternative accomodation, it was not easy though. Hope host will not cancel this time. Cross the fingers...Go to now to see your know me.. still You too have a great hot day...39 Celsius in DE kr
  2. Whitby is about 45 mins from Toronto. About 30 mins from Scarborough which is where we usually all meet up to organize our group rides. Why did you google Whitby? Thinking about staying with me now that your accommodations fell through?? Let me know.
  3. Hi Jamie,

    Have just googled Whitby, a bit outside of Toronto. How far is it?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3