Conversation Between rfid and half-a-tiger

Conversation Between rfid and half-a-tiger

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Thanks for the invite. Would love to go, but stuck chauffeuring family around tomorrow. Kinda sucks cuz I have the free time too, but in between. Hopefully next time man. Ride safe.
  2. Reno, my other group plans to ride to Snake Road tomorrow (Saturday) morning. Interested? Meeting place is carpool parking lot at Trafalgar/407 at 9 AM. Call me at 416-4318379 and we can arrange to ride there together.
  3. Sounds like I missed a perfect ride. And my car needs a wash! I would have went, but I was busy with family during the day.

    I've done parts of that route before on group ride and solo, up Leslie. It's cool how once you pass Major Mac it's like you're in the middle of nowhere. Then when you reach Wellington, there's State Farm headquarters and big box development. How long before sprawl takes over?
  4. Hey, Reno. Missed you yesterday for the Newmarket BBQ/Charity ride. There were 24 or so bikes. We took all city streets riding up to Newmarket. Your 125 would have no problem keeping up. Met Omega8 on a 250cc; he's on his 2nd season of riding. Take it easy.
  5. Yeah, I heard. Hope he's feeling better.

    Man, I was pretty tired after that abbreviated ride (nice route, btw). I wanted to fall asleep when I got home! I think I need to do some stretching exercises before riding--get the muscles prepped for the workout.

    Food was good too, but now that I think about it, not sure where I would have packed it on my bike!
  6. Hey Reno. Did you hear the 250cc biker went down? He has a swollen risk but okay otherwise. Not sure what happened.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6