Conversation Between Irocian and dragonium25

Conversation Between Irocian and dragonium25

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Not bad really rusty after winter but by end of day got back into it. Installed new ohlins shock so total suspension system updated and working. Doing stage 5 with racer5 june 23rd but going to do a few thursday in between so ill email you ASAP when i know for sure
  2. Sounds good. How as it last Thursday?
  3. Was there last thursday but will text you for next thursday run either day with racer5 or night with turn2
  4. Hey Ian, have you set up any trackdays yet?
  5. Pretty good trip ya i'll check the track day schedule and contact you to see if it works for you as I have to catch up on some things since being away.
  6. i'm going a a trip july 3-4 to ottawa and quebec on street bike but going to june 10th racer5 call in sick day depending on what weather says monday
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6