Conversation Between frekeyguy and CptnHammer

Conversation Between frekeyguy and CptnHammer

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, for sure! I'm finding that I'm not on this site too too much, is there a better way to keep in touch? I've got stormcat's cell and we text a bit, or I've also got facebook. Just let me know!
  2. im in brampton, so pretty close to you. shoot me a pm and we can set something up
  3. Stormcat outed you! You're close and apparently like working on bikes, so figured I'd throw a friend request at you. I'm really getting interested in working on the 2000 ex500 I just bought, but am very new to riding (first bike) and know next to nothing about mechanics, lol. Anyway, I live near the Forks, so if you're in the area let me know!
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