Conversation Between Dinh250R and DaFrEnCh-TiCkLeR

Conversation Between Dinh250R and DaFrEnCh-TiCkLeR

8 Visitor Messages

  1. considering I just made it home I think it's clear I wont be there lol

    Have a safe and fun ride!
  2. I wont make it for the morning

    You head out and if I can make it out there later I'll go up but from the looks of it, I'll be doing my brake job instead.
  3. I'm doing a wedding on Saturday night so I guess it all depends how that goes and what kind of shape I'm in. I'll try to let you know. You going on your own ?
  4. Are you going to the Amimal meet on Sunday?
  5. I got to jet Thursday night for Wasaga, cottage and wedding. The Oakville boys are awesome, thats who I rode with before. When I get back from wasag we'll hook up for a ride around Guelph, I'm new to the place so I like to cruise around.
  6. Too bad, because I followed some guy and went completely the wrong way. Ended up in Barrie. Are you going to the meet in Oakville/Burlington?
  7. I tried to look for you in case you wanted a pal to ride back with!

    Next tiem we'll ride up together!
  8. Didn't know another Guelph person was at the meet last Saturday.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8