Conversation Between Green919 and jlir

Conversation Between Green919 and jlir

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Here u go...someone mapped it out for us. This will be about it, maybe some minor changes....

  2. Hi Mike, Can you send me the route details too )?
    I've got some juggling to do and if it works out I may at least be able to go up for the Saturday and come back the same day depending when my kids are coming back to me on Sunday. Hope you doing well in this heat...ttys
  3. Kewlzz...Mel wanted to stay off the hiways so I picked the back way to hwy60...We're staying overnight in whitney, and then hitting the 507 on the way back. Perhaps we'll cya then.
  4. hi, just got back from a week in algonquin on cache lake. While in my car, I was so envious to see so many bikers and some some nice rides going up and coming back to Toronto. I will find out how my next weekend looks with the kids and gf and let you know asap. I'm hoping I can make it out....:0)
  5. Would you be interested in the ride to algonquin next weekend? Mel tells me it should be quite the group...
  6. hey guys, yes it's me, I just logged in to drop you guys a line. Hope you guys had a safe 'dry' ride! I will be adding you two to my friends list and looking forward to doing some rides. Ttys ) Jon
  7. Did lilmel and myself run into you at the movies last night? So much for riding today...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7