Conversation Between dragon and RodJes

Conversation Between dragon and RodJes

5 Visitor Messages

  1. um told you every other sat is fine lol um I believe that the next 2-3 weekends will be busy ones (being on the sat) for both of us haha maybe we can play some rock paper sizors lol hahaha.
  2. so when do you want to redeem yourself....and about bowling, I felt really bad for you so I went easy on you at bowling, didnt want to beat ya at every sport. lol
  3. haha o ya , well u beat me at that :P but that was about it i think volleyball should be next on the list of sports , who won the last game at bowling haha let me gues.. cliff haha :P def not you
  4. since you posted on my visitors message here is a message.. who kicked whos ***** lol
  5. see yas tomorrow for some ***** kikin haha (me being the kiker haha lol not the kiked.. haha)
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5