Conversation Between Red Zeder and Maxspeed

Conversation Between Red Zeder and Maxspeed

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Don't ya worry Hank....I never have time to hibernate !
    Been very busy all for car , tires for bike, bought tire levers and rim protectors, mounted and installed rear tire.
    Sunday I have a family thing at 1:00 then, I will work on removing , mounting , balancing and installing front tire.
    Oh and have to walk dog in the bush for 1 1/2 hrs each day as well ( I walk and she runs !)
    I'll be intouch soon.
  2. Hey Wat's up,

    Summer is here now don't hibernate lol, hope you get your ride ready in few weeks, see you later
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2