Conversation Between 2ndderivative and anka

Conversation Between 2ndderivative and anka

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Are you partaking of the magical Mexican burrito tmrw eve?
  2. Lucky for you I was raised to be a quitter: "If at first you don't succeed, why can't you be more like your sister? Get out of my sight."
  3. I made it out with dropping my precious substitute for a child. A friend came by and administered a mighty rearward shove in order to help, but I think I would have been ok without. It wasn't as frightening as it seemed. I'm going to stop eating Monday eve in preparation for burrito consumption...perhaps I will even work up the appetite for a smoothie. I must go for the gold; I wasn't raised to be a quitter!!!
  4. Can't guarantee I'll be there, but just in case, I'll stop eating from today.

    It seems you're right - people are reporting a near 250 mile range, so with basic hypermiling you should be able to make 400 km. Don't trust the "half spent" fuel gauge though, my gauge is halfway at 200 km and the other half just drops in a 100 km.

    If you really want to test your range strap a fuel can on the back and keep going till the bike stops.

    PS: I missed the entertainment of you trying to back your bike out. Did it make it through alive?
  5. I hope you're at the next burrito night, because I MAY challenge you to a burrito-eating contest. I will begin practicing tomorrow.

    BTW, I'm trying to redeem my idiotic 6th gear question by verifying my grandiose claims re: Ninja 250s fuel consumption. So far, I am a little over half spent, and have driven about 240 km. I know you're waiting for the final result with baited breath...
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