Conversation Between drummerbr23 and ifiddles

Conversation Between drummerbr23 and ifiddles

2 Visitor Messages

  1. again sorry for the late reply but i don't seem to get notified of visitor messages so you may want to try sending me a private message instead...i'm around this weekend if you want to go for a me to let me know...
  2. sorry for the late reply...just got your message...was up in georgetown for the weekend...went for a ride this afternoon out to gulliver's lake...took 15th sideroad then hwy 6 and back along dundas...not hitting the highways yet...just got my m2 may 16...still getting used to bike as the rainy weather (and work/report cards) has kept me using my car...hopefully will meet up soon...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2