Conversation Between vrus and half-a-tiger

Conversation Between vrus and half-a-tiger

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Lol, I probably won't be able to make a 9am ride, but I'll give you a call if my plans change.
  2. Faisal, my other group plans to ride to Snake Road tomorrow (Saturday) morning. Interested? Meeting place is carpool parking lot at Trafalgar/407 at 9 AM. Call me at 416-4318379 and we can arrange to ride there together.
  3. Yeah man! all year round! lmk ify ou have any trips planned!
  4. Howdy, Faisal. Have you ridden your bike yet?
  5. wish i could, but i'm working that night, and the night before x_x
  6. Hey, Faisal. Check out the Fall Colours Ride on Oct 3. I plan to go. Hope you can go too.
  7. Hey, did you get my message re tomorrow's ride to Niagara? Can you make it. Please advise.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7