Conversation Between matthew and mahnoy

Conversation Between matthew and mahnoy

2 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm just here for school, and I didn't bring my motorcycle with me. I'm only here for a year so I didn't bother to bring over my bike. But from what I understand, the insurance rates are pretty reasonable, they're government run through ICBC. The weather during "winter" is pretty miserable. It rains almost every day between late November and February. It's still possible to ride your bike through the winter, since the temperature here doesn't go below 0 (rarely goes below 5), but you'll need a good set of rain tires and 100% waterproof gear
  2. Hi so I see you're from Victoria BC??? I was wondering, how are the insurance rates in BC for motorcycles? And is the weather there nice enough that you can ride most of the year?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2