Conversation Between omega8 and half-a-tiger

Conversation Between omega8 and half-a-tiger

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Not sure if you will get this message in the morning. I'll have to take a pass on this as i usually sleep in, one of the downside of working the night shift. But saturday afternoon and evens are ok for me.
  2. Chris, my other group plans to ride to Snake Road tomorrow (Saturday) morning. Interested? Meeting place is carpool parking lot at Trafalgar/407 at 9 AM. Call me at 416-4318379 and we can arrange to ride there together.
  3. Chris, with my old group, we have day rides and 3-day rides. Day rides include Niagara, Muskoka, Port Hope, Caledon and the like. 3-day rides are for Pennsylvania or Montreal.
  4. It was nice to meet you as well. Just curious, on smaller ride groups, or even another rider, where do you typically like to ride to?
  5. Hi, Chris. Nice meeting you yesterday. Hope we get to ride again soon. Take care.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5