Conversation Between fastar1 and mr.fizz

Conversation Between fastar1 and mr.fizz

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Naw I'll get 'er done over the winter
  2. hey man got the bike all fixed up yet? i ordered new fairings, cant wait to be back on the road hehe
  3. hi man. sry to hear about your crash. where do you get these prices from for the fairings? can't be from a dealer...?
  4. hey man it was cool meeting you. i should really install the heated grips too lol.
  5. Brutha! Nice bike. See you Saturday.
  6. hey man where abouts are you? i ride a 07 red fizzer too. see you at the road awareness ride =D
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6