Conversation Between funrider and Shawna

Conversation Between funrider and Shawna

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey it was finally nice to put a name to a face today. Sorry i couldn't chat longer i was already very very late lol.
  2. Ya i work for astral media and its 12 hour shifts..7:30am to 7:30pm and yes the pay is pretty good. If you ever see me around give me a wave.

    P.s. Common it was a pretty dumb as move to leave the lights on lol. In my defense the steering lock is only one turn away from the switch for my lights.
  3. wow - you work long hours - you're there before me 8ish and still there when I leave at 6ish. Hope they pay you well - and no one called you a dumbass - they wanted to help you out - that's all
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3