Conversation Between 172Driver and gonzo 08

Conversation Between 172Driver and gonzo 08

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Sold! I'm in,what time and where we go?
  2. Sunday we RIDE?????
  3. Get off the computer,and do something usefull!
  4. ah hem
  5. Thanks Danny!!!!
  6. That bike isn't a's a VFR 800!!! Geez,don't you know ANYTHING???
  7. I see your reply now, it didn't go into my private message box but I see it on your profile. Now your picture SUCKS!!! Its just a large question mark. You can't ride on a question mark! There isn't even a seat, I guess if you had to one could just cling to the side like some type of parasite eating the hosts brain, but even at such trying attempts to ride a question mark there are no controls. Given this you would, as in my above example be along for the ride just like a parasite, and we don't want to get into all the strange and obnoxious activities we know those shady question marks get into. Your best bet would be to take a photo of your assembly of parts formed to resemble some type bipedal personal mode of transport and paste that in place of the large format question mark, you don't want people talking about the possibility of you getting mixed up with those rapscallions we post at the ends of posing sentences????? OH MY ???? GO???D TH?EY??? MUST?? H???AVE ??? HE??A??RD ????US ?? T???ALKI???NG ABO????T TH???E???M???? TH???E?Y??? ??? AR??E? ??? ?????? TA???KI??NG ??? OV?ER??? ?? MY ??? SCREEN????? ?? ???? AND THEY HAVE BACKUP??????? THOSE DIRTY BASTARD EXCLAMATION POINTS ARE HELPING THEM ???!!?!!?!!!?!?!?!??????!?!?!!!!!!?!?!!?!!?!?!!?!? ! HHHHHHHEEEEeeeeelllllppppp ?!??!!?!??!??!?!!!!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
  8. You SUCK!!! Time to update that picture as well.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8