Conversation Between killerkeith and grecomoto

Conversation Between killerkeith and grecomoto

2 Visitor Messages

  1. If your tall, this is a great bike. I'm 5'8" and have trouble 3 point turning her but I love riding as high as people in SUVs and minivans. I had a Ninja 650 even before the 250 so I knew what I was getting performance wise and I really like this engine. The Versy is set up better for longer rides than the 650 Ninja. The 250 will seem like a toy compared to the Versys. Over all I love it. It suits my commute, touring & hooiganizums needs
  2. hey man i saw you upgraded from the 250 to the versys... how does it feel? I'm thinking of doing the same. any major differences?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2