Conversation Between medicbaldwin and cutsheal5

Conversation Between medicbaldwin and cutsheal5

4 Visitor Messages

  1. yeah I am like i said if your lookng for a header i believe hindle has them on clearance right now!
  2. thanks for the info. Im looking for a header for a 929. I assume from your write up that you're still riding that bike and will be racing this spring/summer?
  3. witch one of my bikes are you wondering about? Your best bet would to be call hindle and ask for sure there piping is very thin almost paper. They are in port hope and always willing to help a customer, provided you are looking a 929 exhaust and not the GSXR as they are on clearance from hindle right now as far as i know! jump on it quick!
  4. Any chance you can send me a few pics of your hindle header and measure the collector tubing diameter? Those things are pretty hard to come by, so i'm wanting build a tri-Y merge collector similar to what hindle uses but not sure what size tubing to look for.
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