Conversation Between mytoguy and kittysyren

Conversation Between mytoguy and kittysyren

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey you!

    How ya doing? I hope (and imagine) that you are enjoying this lovely weather on your not-so-wee scooter...

    Well, I got myself another motorcycle (was bound to happen eventually I suppose...) It's an older (but nice) Suzuki GS500e (500cc twin), looks like this:

    Sooo, if you wanna try a slightly bigger bike again, let me know...

    Take care,
  2. Hello!

    Nice to hear from ya.

    Yeah, as I got my "Mo's bike approval weather conditions" (a bunch of rain then sunny days) I've been out every day as well. Taking my bike to work (and in for spring service) today. Perhaps you will join a few friends and I for a ride some time soon.

    Take care,
  3. Have you taken your bike on the road yet? It's been such a lovely week so far. I've been out every day.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3