Conversation Between knowledge and anka

Conversation Between knowledge and anka

10 Visitor Messages

  1. So...I FINALLY found the onion article I was talking about. But now that i've re-read it, it isn't as funny as I remembered it to be
    Oh well. Here it is:,8570/
  2. Agreed! I went on one last ride today...


  3. Nope - I wasn't able to go. But let's go for a ride when this season starts!
  4. HAHAHAHAH i lost it when I saw "HELP ME" sewn on the jeans!!! Hey, did we meet an Aminal and Fozzy's bbq?
  5. Hahaha...both were awesome. I've just spent 10 minutes trying to find my favourite article (it had something to do with Obama's plan for going green), but I give up. In lieu of that article:
  6. Hmm...conspiracies...philosophy...

    As you can see by the ellipses above, I have given both subjects much thought. Unfortunately, my tiny mind can only contribute this:****-up,1804/
  7. There's this theory that certain people (rhymes with shmanka) are trying to suppress certain people (rhymes with shmknowledge) from dangling participles. But the real answer to that question is that while I've read up on most of the more controversial stuff, I'm still undecided. I haven't picked up a conspiracy book in a couple of years, though - philosophy's really been doing it for me. How about you?

    Unleashing another participle, I awaited anka's reply. Take that!
  8. I'm not one to allow the dangling of participles, thank you very much!
  9. Why hello there! I would like to formally inform you that your exemplary grammar is commendable. That is all. Good day!
  10. To what conspiracies do you subscribe? I ask, as I noticed you belong to "The Conspiracy Riders" group.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10