Conversation Between JaXSmurF and jaugusto

Conversation Between JaXSmurF and jaugusto

3 Visitor Messages

  1. hey whats ur number again??? workin today or you up for a ride?
  2. Hey hey

    yea my bike died on the last monday. I'm actually out riding right now. Are you working tonight?

    I'm not sure if I'll be at the meet tonight. My buddies want to go for some beers. I haven't checked gta in a few days either lol

    Here's my cell just in case you wanna go for a ride and I'm Mia on here.
  3. yooo havent seen around since we all met up on the monday... i had the red/silver f4i when u gonna be around for a boot?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3