Conversation Between yzfrickr1 and the bandit

Conversation Between yzfrickr1 and the bandit

2 Visitor Messages

  1. hi rick will call you tomm morn just before we boot off from timmies am meeting another rider on the way up from the east end at 10 and king road so just to clarify things we are meeting at which coffee shop the one in the centre of belfountain or the other where we stopped that night
  2. hey bandit, how does this sound we ride to belfountain, then do hockley, back down 20 sideroad into mono, then down river road to mansfieldand back west and maybe into collingwood and blue mountain then back. maybe 6 hours just P.M people or phone people we know cause I dont like to post and state where we are going you know, let me know your thoughts. this is my phone number 647 987 7366 Rick
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