Conversation Between RetroGrouch and Nyx13

Conversation Between RetroGrouch and Nyx13

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Well thanks! Got my mama's looks
  2. Hey, that's a really nice photo of you
  3. Hey, thanks for the links! That was cool....I used to do makeup for film and video, etc. I've worked on a few music videos as well so it was fun to see all the going's on just on that front alone. Ahhhhh...memories. LOL! Plus Beverly is well known in Saskatchewan which is where I was born and raised. Thanks again!

  4. Hi Adrienne, sorry I didn't notice your message until now. Thanks about my bike. Since Beverley Mahood doesn't ride a motorcycle, the producers hired a model/stand-in named Lisa Ferreti. They put a long blonde wig on her to shoot the riding scenes. I was concerned she wouldn't be able to start my bike since it has no electric starter, it's kickstart only. But Lisa owns an old Harley and she had no problems with it. Looked really good in the video. Here are pics of the shoot and a video I took.
  5. Watched the video your bike was in (looks good) I'm curious, who drove it anyway?

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5