Conversation Between slow and icecube172

Conversation Between slow and icecube172

3 Visitor Messages

  1. hey slow, meet you last year, you gonna be around bamburgh or scarborough? lets hit pho88 sometimes lol
  2. nice meeting you too dude. i recognized your avatar once i saw it haha.

    my buddy and i went posing at destiny and commerce. we saw an older cbr, a new r1, 848 and a 1048 at go for tea up in richmond hill. nothing at commerce or destiny tho lol.

    i'll hit up kc next week just to see what's up
  3. hey buddy, nice meeting you at bamburgh last night. I went to KC and no **** it was full of cops, a few riders and drivers still chilled at the timmies though. I dont' know how things will turn out next wed., cops can't be there every wed
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3