Conversation Between bgfa and lil sushi

Conversation Between bgfa and lil sushi

3 Visitor Messages

  1. So glad to hear you found a home for Oakley. You should be proud of all your hard work! I hope he has a happy life there
  2. Heya mister, The laser Eye surgery went well. I can see again, I was trying to minimize laptop if it wasn't work related I wasn't doing it =) Thank you for all the advice. I'm still off the bike for another few days...surgeon says i should be able to get back on this weekend yay for me...but the past few days watching everyone ride around me....BRUTAL!!! Bike bike envy
  3. Hey Lil Sushi, Just curious how the Lasik thing went? Was I any help to you? Hope it went as planned.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3